The consequences of tooth loss can go beyond affecting the appearance of your smile and creating difficulties with normal speech and chewing. When a tooth falls out or has to be removed, replacing it as quickly as possible with implant dentistry, a dental bridge, or another restorative option can alleviate and prevent a variety of complications. As you might imagine, the repercussions of losing several teeth or a full arch of teeth are generally more severe; however, the experienced prosthodontists of Schweitzer & Schweitzer, P.C. are capable of restoring the full function, structure, and aesthetics of your smile no matter how damaged your smile has become.
Missing teeth that remain untreated can lead to the following functional and oral health challenges:
- Jawbone Recession – When a tooth is lost, the jawbone tissue directly beneath it will no longer be stimulated by the tooth root. This stimulation is what causes the jawbone to maintain its strength and without it, the bone begins to recede. As the recession progresses, the supportive bone of the surrounding teeth may become eroded—this can lead to loosening of the adjacent teeth and eventual tooth loss.
- Periodontal Concerns – The health of your gum tissue can also be negatively affected when a tooth is lost. Gingival tissue may recede as the jawbone degenerates, exposing the roots of the surrounding teeth and making them vulnerable to sensitivity and decay. Periodontal disease (an infection in the gum tissue) may also develop, which can have severe effects on both dental health and overall health if left untreated.
- Shifting Teeth & Tooth Misalignment – Gaps created by missing teeth create an opportunity for the surrounding teeth to shift. These shifting teeth can cause the appearance of the smile to change (forming misalignment and gaps), create uncomfortable adjustments in the bite, and lead to chewing difficulties.
Are you concerned about missing teeth or severely damaged teeth that need to be replaced? Our prosthodontists are extensively trained and experienced in all methods of tooth replacement, from traditional approaches to state-of-the-art techniques, including dental implants, bridges, implant dentures, and more. You can trust them to reconstruct your smile for optimal dental health, function, comfort, and aesthetics!
Contact Schweitzer & Schweitzer, P.C. to schedule your consultation.
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